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The collective has no full time staff members, just a bunch of a bad ass organizers who do different forms of work throughout the year to keep things going. Oftentimes we have events coming up where we could use some helping hands. This could be from filming on a smart phone to helping guest speakers with bags, or even to house a visitor or someone in need. If you or anyone you know who may be interested in supporting the collective in this way or any other way you think may be helpful, please let us know. Most  requests are low committal. 


Longer requests for support are typically for projects which can be done weekly, or monthly, or less. In these instances where funding is available we offer stipends. Those who have worked with us for a while get our very exclusive members only shirt! Yay! So send  us a message and let us know your skills and what your level of commitment can be. 


All candidates should be in support of sex workers having full and equal rights. Such as access to housing, parental rights, bank accounts and all the basic necessities needed to sustain without stigma or shame. 


All candidates should be trustworthy, consistent, transparent, honest and finish the job timely based on what was agreed.




  • Before considering volunteering, please be honest with your time. How much time can you honestly commit to

  • Once you are clear on time commitment, shoot us an email, letting us know who you are and what skill sets you have. Your skills can be anything, as everyone is useful.

  • Schedule a time for a zoom meeting. Afterwards you can be added to our private list and begin working with our closely knit team of activists and coalition members


Currently we are seeking:

- Social Media Team

This person or persons would be responsible for updating and maintaining or FB, IG and Twitter accounts with news on what is happening in the rights movement globally and locally. And update with BSWC activities.


Have a skill to share but don't see it here? It's ok! Let us know what you got so we can keep this movement going!



During the first year of BSWC, we offered financial support for many workers in order to help with food, rent, other emergencies and overall quality of life donations. This proved to be at times a traumatic experience where the person looking over the requests and distributing funds was met with hostility. This is something that over time can have a lasting effect which can be detrimental to our well being and sustainability. As a result we have decided that the only referrals for help we can take are hard ones. Meaning, they have to come from other organizations or persons who are known within the rights movement or connected to the BSWC in order for us to offer funds. This is also a great way for us to try and minimize the risk associated with those who may fraud the rights movement. So please send us in your referrals. We still need to verify recipients, but we are working hard at avoiding any harm that may come to us as a result of wanting to offer community members help.  Send A Referral to make a donation directly to supporting this initiative please click here. For referrals please include a statement which includes the name of the person, what they need, how much, why they need it and how soon. Please also let us know how you are affiliated with the person. We do NOT give money to pay for ads or rentals for working, or travel expenses related to working.

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